Port Magic is a port scan detector. Hackers use port
scans to Probe your system to see what services are running.
Port Magic allows you to :
1. Persistantly monitor to Detect these probes
2. Track the address of the perpetrator & time of probe
3. Confuse the prober with "fake" ports
Ever get "nuked" or "flooded"? Prevent it! Port Magic will monitor ports on your computer that you specify to watch for threatening activity, including portscans. When such activity occurs, you are notified of the exact time when it happened, and the IP and hostname of who tried to compromise your system.
PM can launch a firewall automatically when a portscan is detected or by the click of a button, and can have a WAV file play when a portscan is detected. PM works in the background, hidden until you hit a HotKey.
Although specifically written to prevent ICQ flooding, PM can work to prevent all non-ICMP attacks.